The article sets out to investigate one of the speech genres of political discourse — New Year’s greetings as a verbal representations of ritual political communication. The structural and compositional, semantic and linguistic and pragmatic features of New Year’s greetings are determined. The dynamics of New Year’s appeals to the Ukrainian people in the presidential rhetoric of Petro Poroshenko is traced out. The article aims at tracing main trends in the genre of New Year’s greeting reflected in the speeches of the actual Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko, this aim leading to the following objectives: to determine structural and semantic features of the genre of New Year’s greetings, to analyze texts of greetings and to follow the main modifications of the genre at the level form and content. The corpus of the study comprises texts of New Year greetings by Petro Poroshenko for the period from 2015 to 2018. It is proved that New Year’s greetings are based on the three-component structure with the fixed order of the following parts: retrospective, prospective and optative; in ritual formulas they contain names of addressees according to their nationality, family ties and statehood; semantic focus is on characterizing the current situation in the country and promising positive changes in the next year; lexical markers of the conceptual core of the speeches are tokens “Ukrainian”, “unity”, “people” and “development”. We observe a tendency to increase the retrospective part and decrease the prospective one; giving preference to nominations on national and state grounds; domination of patriotic ritual formulas and patriotic content; the strengthening of religious semantics, in particular Christian; reduction of international components and orientation towards European politics; propensity to positive evaluations; strengthening speaker egocentrism.The problems of conceptualization, semantics and linguistic pragmatics of New Year’s greetings are presented, generalizations on the genre dynamics of New Year’s appeals in the political discourse are elucidated.
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