The article sets out to find out peculiarities of the development of various structural levels of dialects not only in the present but also those valuable sources of folk language, which were recorded by our ancestors in a multi-genre heritage. The purpose of the study is to reveal the extent to which dialect phenomena were reflected in folklore ethnographic collections and lexicographic works of Polish researchers of Podillya. The main method is a descriptive and comparative one. The analysis sheds the light on achievements of Polish authors of the 19th century in studying the ethnography and folklore of Podillya. It is demonstrated that their works described certain aspects of the material and spiritual culture of Ukrainians of Podillya and have been greatly appreciated by Ukrainian scholars. The great folklore and ethnographic heritage of A. Kotsipinskyi and Z. Dolenha-Khodakovskyi is valuable to ethnographers, folklorists and linguists and especially dialectologists. Of particular importance is the dictionary of Podillya regionalisms by A. Kremer, which is considered to be the first lexicographic work on the Podillya dialect of Ukrainian. It is proved in the article that only authentic texts can serve as a valuable and reliable source for studying the dynamics of dialectal language in Podillya region.
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