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literature of experiment

How to Cite

Polishchuk, Y. ., & Strychalska, M. (2021). THE SCOPE OF EXPERIMENTS IN CONTEMPORARY UKRAINIAN LITERATURE. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 9(1), 217–225.


This study is dedicated to contemporary research on experimental literature, which was recognized as an outstanding phenomena and also as the form of artistic transgression during recent years. The reason for reflections on this topic was the publication of the monograph by Oksana Kovatska entitled Experimental Sails of Ukrainian Prose of the 1920s (Kyiv 2020). Kovatska appreciates the element of experiment in the Ukrainian post-revolutionary literature, and highly appreciates the innovative search of the young generation of contemporary writers. In particular, she focuses on three figures of literary experimentation, considering them in the context of the works of Viktor Petrov (Domontovych), Arkadii Liubchenko and Mike Johansen. Oksana Kovatska’s monograph is published as a pioneering work in the field of the problem presented here.
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