The proposed article is one of the stages of a comprehensive study aimed at identifying and analyzing the language tools that explicate the language image of God in the psalms translated by Ivan Ohienko. It is established that one of the key fragments of the Old Testament image of God is the concept of the sinner as an element of the thought triangle ‘God – sinner – righteous’. The study, carried out within the field of cognitive ethnolinguistics and based on Jerzy Bartmiński’s methodology, is an attempt to reconstruct the linguistic image of the sinner on the basis of selected translated texts of the psalter. As a result of the analysis of the initial psalms, it was possible to partially recreate the complex linguistic system of elements of the image of the sinner: from numerous names of the mental construct through the extensive network of attributes up to the description of actions according to the semantic roles of the agent or benefactive. According to the principles of cognitive definition, an integral element of the analysis is the evaluative component.
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