The article analyzes the short stories in V. Nazarenko’s collection Mechanical Egg in order to identify the writer’s stylistic idiosyncracies. There is no single point of view regarding this, which determines the discussions around this issue and the relevance of our intelligence. Research is performed in the context of studying modern Ukrainian novels. As a result of research conducted using philological, comparative, descriptive methods, component and semantic analysis, it was found that Nazarenko’s novels include elements of different styles: Gothic, Hermetic, meditation, and surrealism, which are organically combined. The artistic world of his short stories is characterized by an atmosphere of mystery, enhanced by symbolism, the intertwining of the real world with the afterlife, the isolation of the characters and distance from socio-cultural background, and their reflections on existential problems. The combination of these features provides a basis on which to speak of the stylistic polyphony of V. Nazarenko’s novels.
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