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perception of surzhyk
sociolinguistic methodology
language status

How to Cite

Rysicz-Szafraniec, J. . (2021). SURZHYK AND ITS RECEPTION BY STUDENTS OF UKRAINIAN STUDIES AT WROCŁAW UNIVERSITY. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 9(1), 85–98.


This article is devoted to the study of the reception of the Ukrainian-Russian surzhyk language according to the opinions of mainly Polish students studying Ukrainian at the University of Wrocław. The methodology used in the research is based on the sociolinguistic analysis of a survey conducted among selected respondents. The responses to the question on the reception of surzhyk showed quantitatively a greater percentage of negative perceptions of this phenomenon. This was explained by the lack of great hybridization in the spoken Polish language and the high status of the state language in Polish society, among other factors. The results of the study show that for a more profound sociolinguistic study of surzhyk and its impact on the linguistic situation in the modern Ukraine, it is necessary to continue researching the perception of this subcode, also in Slavic studies centers outside Ukraine. This will help perceive the phenomenon from a broader perspective.
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