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FEDKO, O. (2021). THE MOTIF OF IMMORTALITY IN LEONID HORLACH’S NOVELS. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 9(2), 177–187.


The article deals with the analysis of functioning of the immortality motif in L. Horlach’s poetic novels (Mamay, Ruin, Open Field, Askold’s Finger, Slavic Island). Based on the works of P. Bargar, A. Veselovskij, I. Dziuba, J. Morgan, I. Silantev and S. Thompson, the scecific nature of the motif as a literary element is presented. The relevance of the study is determined by the mythological origin of the invariant motif of immortality, its unique role in Ukrainian (and world-wide) culture and the lack of studies on this topic, all based on L. Horlach’s works. This paper shows the writer’s use of pagan and Christian traditions in describing the afterlife, the understanding of immortality as a feature of a deity or as a reward and punishment for people. The motif of immortality is also connected to the concept of memory, fame and the contribution of personalities to the common goal. The motif is analyzed using mythologies, symbols and allegories (the thread of Moirai, fire, garden, bee).
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