The semantics and pragmatics of occasional compound words in the headlines of modern Ukrainian newspaper publications
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newspaper headline
functions of headlines
linguo-pragmatic features
communicative-pragmatic strategies and tactics
pragmatic effects

How to Cite

Popkova, O. (2022). The semantics and pragmatics of occasional compound words in the headlines of modern Ukrainian newspaper publications. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 10(1), 45–58.


The material for our research is the body of texts of modern Ukrainian newspaper discourse, namely the titles of articles published in all-Ukrainian newspapers, which are characterized by a kind of communicative and pragmatic potential. Along with other media, the modern newspaper is designed to convey information of various kinds, to provide relevant information, and to influence the mass reader. In order to achieve the most effective impact on the reader, the newspaper headline must be created professionally. Bright, noticeable, easy-to-remember titles are able to provide the maximum pragmatic effect, and perform a variety of functions. A discussion of the peculiarities of the functioning of complex occasionalisms in newspaper headlines, endowed with various pragmatic potentials, is relevant in our study. Linguo-pragmatic features of complex innovations in newspaper headlines on the material from modern Ukrainian newspapers are revealed, the lexical content of headlines is analyzed. The main communicative goals are defined, the communicative-pragmatic strategies described, and communicative tactics are analyzed.
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