The article analyses the genesis of proverbs and sayings – one of the least researched issues in paremiology. It emphasizes that the specified problem only sometimes fell into the field of scientific interests of Ukrainian and foreign folklorists. However, the greatest contribution to solving the mystery of the origin of paremia was made by Ivan Franko, who, in the fundamental three-volume corpus Galician-Russian Folk proverbs, most fully presented the ways of replenishing the proverb fund. According to the researcher’s concept, one of the most productive ways is so-called “inter-genre transi- tion”, when larger genres are reduced to the concise verbal formula of the proverb. This work reveals that Ivan Franko proved a close connection between proverbs and sayings and anecdotes, fairy tales, and folk tales. The specific examples show the complex analytical work carried out by the compiler of the collection of folk aphorisms as they tried to trace the origin of each individual sample. Thanks to the systematic work of Ivan Franko in the field of the genesis of paremias, it was possible to bring this aspect of folkloristic studies to a new level and testify to the close inter-genre relationships through which the invisible substance of folk wisdom is revealed.
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