Viktor Neborak’s poetry and rock music
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rock music
Viktor Neborak

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Kotyk, I. (2022). Viktor Neborak’s poetry and rock music. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 10(2), 115–127.


One of the features of Viktor Neborak’s multifaceted work is its intersemioticity, its connection with other types of art. The article reveals the role of rock music in Neborak’s works. The main focus is on the collection Flying Head (1990), twenty poems from which were set to music. The importance of rhythm is emphasized. Neborak’s cooperation with Lviv rock musicians (The Cry of Jeremiah, Dead Rooster, Neborak rock band, bard and translator Viktor Morozov), his participation in the Nebo-rock musical project are highlighted. The album Terrible Birthday (1995) of this project as the beginning of the tradition of performances of Ukrainian poets accompanied by musicians.
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