The author of the article provides the systemic analysis of the nominative-axiological paradigm of the denotation “War in Ukraine: 2022–2023”, which components include bi- and polynomial specific names of the generic name war. The study is based on the philosophic and linguistic theories of the conceptual worldview, mental and lingual essence of the language, its objective and subjective nature. Official and unofficial names of the event were observed in Internet texts, consecutively and vividly reflecting the evolution of the collective war experience of the Ukrainians and the world community. They are combined into nine sub-models. The classification criterion for these sub-models is the type of semantic reference of near-substantive specifiers with their functional core formed by identificatory markers “who → identical addresser Russia”, “Where / where to → identical space Ukraine”, “When → identical time 2022”. Using semasiological analysis, the semantic structure of each sub-model has been improved, the constitutive properties of the extenders of the lexeme war have been ascertained, and their axiological potential has been shown. The paper offers sociolinguistic commentary justifying the appropriateness/inappropriateness of specific names. It provides an idea of a potential common nomination of the described choronym as a headline for future encyclopedic and lexicographic entries (Russian-Ukrainian War 2022 –?).
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