The author of the article considers the stylistic and syntactic features of the individual style of the famous Ukrainian poet Ivan Nyzovyi. His works were not appreciated enough from the linguistic point of view. Stylistic means based on the syntactic constructions are the main feature of the language of Ivan Nyzovyi’s poems. This article is devoted to the functions of such stylistic figures. The author examines the stylistic units as figures of addition (anaphora, epistrophe, homeoteleuth); figures of accumulation (gradation, polysyndeton, asyndeton); figures of displacement (inversion, chiasm); rhetorical figures (appeal, question, denial, affirmation, exclamation) in the poems. She concludes that the expressive means of syntactic origin create a special emotional tonality of the poetic narrative, highlight the key phrases, organize a peculiar rhythm pattern and relief contour of the poetry, and therefore achieve the most expressive stylistic effect in the presentation of the author’s worldview.
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