Structure and motivation for the author’s titles for dishes in Mariia Matios’ novel "Culinary Tricks"
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metaphorical motivation
onomasiological structure
Mariia Matios’s novel

How to Cite

Shytyk, L., & Yuldasheva, L. (2023). Structure and motivation for the author’s titles for dishes in Mariia Matios’ novel "Culinary Tricks". Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 11(1), 97–107.


The article is about the structural specificity and features of the motivation of the author’s names of dishes in Mariia Matios’ novel Culinary Tricks. The study was based on the specificity of cognitive onomasiology, which enables the mechanisms of linguistic meaning of the mental lexicon of various components of consciousness to be identified. The article describes the structural features of author’s titles of dishes, single-component nomen, which are simple suffix units, and multi-component, which are structurally related to word combinations. Twelve typical models of multi-component titles are singled out and described. The motivational connections between the onomasiological structure of the author’s titles of dishes are analyzed, as well as the semantics and fragments of knowledge activated in the process of naming. It was found that ‘culinaryisms’ formally and meaningfully reflect the choice of motivators of the names: ingredients, taste characteristics, method of preparation, local distribution, etc. Metaphorical motivation is based on transferring the name based on the external similarity of objects (shape, color, size), as well as on evaluative and emotional associations. Parallel titles based on the choice of different motivators have been recorded.
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