The author analyzes Yevhenia Kononenko’s novel This Crazy Year (2023). Written in the form of a diary, it contains interesting reflections on the first year of full-scale Russian-Ukrainian war. The writer perfectly combines fiction and non-fiction discourses. Her style should be classified as autofiction, according to an analogy with the works of her favorite French novelist Annie Ernaux, which Kononenko published in her own translation into Ukrainian. In the novel This Crazy Year it is clearly illustrated how the imperial myth of neighbors gradually discredited the idea of community and brotherhood cultivated during the USSR period, especially in the context of the heroine’s private relations with her friends from Moscow. The portrayal of the narrator’s personal tragedy related to the illness and death of her daughter is marked by sincerity and confidentiality. As a new effort to interpret somebody’s own experience of the war, this novel is very important from the contemporary research point of view.
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