The article is devoted to the systematic study of secondary nomination in the modern Ukrainian language. It is the result of linguistic creative thinking, a kind of human interpretation of the surrounding reality. The mechanism of value orientation in the linguistic mentality of the community is traced using the example of negatively evaluative secondary nominations. It is proved that the use of secondary evaluative units becomes a stylistic norm of all genre varieties. The author studies the compatibility of words, which is extremely important for understanding meaning, since the analysis of the context always realizes the individual semantic features of the word. The function-ing of syntagmatically determined secondary nominations in the modern Ukrainian language is due to the desire of speakers to diversify and express their thoughts. It is stated that the speaker uses an emotionally colored word in the secondary meaning to conceptualize neutral phenomena, events or ordinary situations in order to create an increased degree of expression to describe the event. The volume of pejorative evaluations in the mind of a native speaker far exceeds the volume of reclama-tion evaluations, and this is obvious. After all, what does not fit into the framework of the generally accepted – ruthlessness, treachery, limitation, primitiveness, inability to think critically – forms the matrix of evaluative secondary nominations.
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