Dimensions of memory in Volodymyr Lys’ literary perspective
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How to Cite

Antalovska, I. (2024). Dimensions of memory in Volodymyr Lys’ literary perspective. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 12(1), 91–102. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2024.12.1.6


In the context of the analysis of literary works, the author researches the problem of memory in contemporary literary works, which is a construct of not only individual consciousness but also, in a broader sense, collective and national identity. Researching this issue is an extremely important and even necessary task, especially in view of the renewed threat to Ukrainian identity in the circumstances of the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war. The study was mainly based on the novels of famous Ukrainian writer Volodymyr Lys, namely The Land of Bitter Tenderness and Solo for Solo-miia. These texts are examined as relevant testimonies of women under totalitarianism. At the center of both works are the stories of women who survived the challenges of the 20th century. Moreover, they not only survived but also tried to maintain their own identity. Their recollections of difficult experiences constitute an attempt to overcome traumatic memory. In addition, in the context of this study, an important thread proves to be the transmission of true history, traditional moral values and the preservation of the continuity of generations.

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