Ключові слова

Swoje / Obce
temat żydowski

Як цитувати

СЕМЕРИН, Х. . (2020). ҐЕНДЕРНІ ВИМІРИ ЄВРЕЙСЬКОЇ ТЕМИ У ПОЕЗІЇ ЛЕСІ УКРАЇНКИ. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 8(2), 97–105. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2020.8.2.07


In the article, Lesia Ukrainka’s poetry based on the Jewish cultural motifs and archetypal plots, mainly of biblical genesis, has been studied. Selected poems are being examined through the lens of imagology and gender theory. The author emphasizes gender nuancing of the Jewish theme developed in the poetry. In the study, the noticeable imagological, and gender aspects are being considered as follows: the legitimation of national identity by gender interactions; a detection of mothers’ competition under the patriarchal pressure; the discourse of a gender communicative abyss; the equalization, and the abolition of gender restrictions in order to create the idea of a person of integrity regardless gender values. In conclusion, it should be noted that the intricate social history of the Hebrew women is being transposed into Ukrainian modernity in Lesia Ukrainka’s poetry.



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