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performance studies
poetry performance theory
poetry performance
history of performance theory

How to Cite

Gladun, D. (2021). PERFORMANCE AND POETRY PERFORMANCE IN ARTICLES BY UKRAINIAN RESEARCHERS. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 9(1), 145–155.


The article examines the formation process of the scientific field of performance studies in Ukraine since the second half of the 20th century. Analytical and synthetic methods are used based on papers by A. Bakanurskyi, D. Honcharenko, T. Hridyayeva, N. Khoma, O. Kochubeinyk, L. Komarnytska, T. Kornieieva, O. Lachko, N. Marenych, I. Nechytalyuk, M. Pashkevich , Yu. Pochynok, Ya. Shumska and I. Yatsyk. The article is part of wider research on the key terms and concepts in poetry performance theory discussed in the publication Introduction to Ukrainian Poetry Performance Theory. The History of Performance Theory. It is considered to be the case that the majority of Ukrainian scientists tend to borrow views on both performance theory and key aspects of performance history from their North American and West-European colleagues.
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