Ключові слова

proverb modifications
proverb variations
language game

Як цитувати

КАЛЬКО , В., & КАЛЬКО, М. . (2021). СТІЙКІСТЬ, ВАРІАТИВНІСТЬ І ТРАНСФОРМАЦІЯ УКРАЇНСЬКИХ ПРИСЛІВ’ЇВ. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 9(2), 11–24. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2021.9.2.01


The article considers the problem of proverb stability and modifications, and the difference between the terms modification and transformation. The author draws a conclusion that standard modifications within the national paremiological corpus can not be perceived as textual or occasional modifications. They should be taken as systemic variations within language norms that exist in the mind of native speakers, do not add another semantic meaning and are not recognized by native speakers as proverb deformations. Differences between proverbs (sayings of edifying character, which contain the centuries-old experience of the people) and anti-proverbs (the authors consider anti-proverbs to be the semantic antithesis of proverbs) are highlighted. The authors pay special attention to the study of the semantics of proverbs and their transformants to identify relevant semantic and cognitive characteristics. The productive transformation of classical proverbs convinces of the heredity of folk wisdom, the change in the deep meaning, and the formal plan of the original proverbs testifies to their adaptation to new social and historical conditions and values.



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