Ключові слова

language attitude
language policy
linguistic personality
prestige of language
language loyalty

Як цитувати

МУЗИКА , М. . . (2021). ТЕОРЕТИЧНІ ПІДХОДИ ДО ВИВЧЕННЯ СТАВЛЕННЯ ДО МОВИ. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 9(2), 51–58. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2021.9.2.04


This article focuses on the analysis of the scientific literature on investigating language attitude, theoretical approaches to the language attitude analyzed, the core paradigms of investigation connected to studying and distinguishing of language attitude presented, as well as the importance of data gathered regarding language attitudes and the specific nature of the language attitude studies in Ukraine that are analyzed. Studying language attitudes is popular, as the language which is investigated has numerous sociocultural functions, and knowledge of language attitudes helps to achieve success in language policy planning. Moreover, influences on linguistic personality and language attitudes allow evaluation not only of the loyalty to a particular language, but also the functional value of each of these. Language attitude is an instrument which allows successful language policy to be constructed, and also informs about the language identification of speaker, as well as about language status and prestige.



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