Міграційний дискурс сучасної української літератури: теоретична модель і тема- тичні горизонти

Ключові слова

literary tale
Eugene Hrebinka

Як цитувати

Терехова, І. (2022). Міграційний дискурс сучасної української літератури: теоретична модель і тема- тичні горизонти. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 10(1), 213–223. https://doi.org/10.14746/sup.2022.10.1.13


The article considers the basic principles of the development of a literary fairy tale in the epoch of Ukrainian romanticism. With the help of genetic, comparative, typological methods, and methods of analysis and synthesis, it is proved that Eugene Hrebinka’s fairy-tale prose is an original and innovative phenomenon in 19th-century Ukrainian literature, the artistic specificity of which consists in the synthesis of signs of magic story and lyricism, moral-didactic principles and folklore. The specificities of the problems and poetics of such stories by this author as The Terrible Beast, The Moon and the Sun, Stepmother and Young Lady are analyzed. It is determined that the fairy-tale works of Eugene Hrebinka are a holistic artistic unity, built on a common plot model, and on realizing the same type of artistic conflict, which is manifested in the clash of positive and negative characters.



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