Українське термінознавство кінця XX – перших десятиріч XXI століття

Ключові слова

Ukrainian language
theoretical and practical terminology

Як цитувати

Кочан, І. (2023). Українське термінознавство кінця XX – перших десятиріч XXI століття. Studia Ukrainica Posnaniensia, 11(1), 55–70.


The article examines the main stages of the development of Ukrainian terminology during the period of Ukrainian independence. There were three chronological stages. The first one was between 1991–2000, the time of the collapse of the USSR, economic crisis, mass migration, deterioration of the life and livelihood of the populace. The second stage was from 2001 to 2014. It is associated with efforts to overcome the economic crisis and to establish national values. The third is from 2015 to the present. It also has its own specifics. Here we are speaking about the Russian Federation’s military invasion of the territory of Ukraine, the Covid pandemic, the change in the rhythm of people’s lives, remote learning and communication. And finally, the hot phase of the Russian Federation’s war on Ukraine in 2022–2023. However, scientific life does not stop, although the nation’s intelligence often migrates. In each of the stages mentioned, research on certain terminological systems is described in theses, monographs, the publication of textbooks and manuals, regional, Ukrainian, and international terminological conferences, and the elements of international cooperation are shown.


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