Marriage - a Way to Sanctity. Propositions of the Equipes Notre-Dame Movement
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marriage spirituality
sacrament of matrimony

How to Cite

Pluta, M. (2011). Marriage - a Way to Sanctity. Propositions of the Equipes Notre-Dame Movement. Teologia I Moralność, 6(1(9), 87–95.


The aim of the Teams of Our Lady is to help couples in a comprehensive experience of the sacrament of marriage. The concept of marriage which can be found in the writings of the founder - Father Caffarel - and in the documents of the Movement, focuses on three basic issues: love, sacrament of marriage and sanctity. Conjugal love is the basis of marriage itself, it comes from God and leads to God. The human couple as the last creature of God is the culmination of creation. They are also a full image of God, since „God is Love", and love is an interpersonal relation. Not only is sacramental marriage the image of Christ's love to the Church, but it also gives the married couple a share in this love. The unbreakable unity of the couple stems from the sacrament of marriage. It reflects an inseparable relationship of Christ with His Church. The grace of the sacrament of marriage is not limited to the transaction of marriage, but in a dynamic way fills the couple's whole life. Every Christian regardless of their status is called to sanctity. In the Movement of Teams of Our Lady the possibility of sanctification through marriage is strongly highlighted as well as the path of the spouses to holiness.
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