The purpose of this paper is to present the promising fi elds in homiletics and in pastoral
praxis of preaching where interdenominational cooperation is possible. This includes the fi elds of real collaboration among preachers of diff erent ecclesial communities, but also the reminder that ecumenical preaching and true pastoral care cannot be based on resignation or declining of one’s own confessional identity. What is common for Christian denominations are the martyrs – the witnesses of the Good News of Jesus Christ. Another common heritage of all Christian denominations is the Bible as a Source of Preaching. Some of the denominations share the lectionary as a gift and challenge. But it is not the Bible, which is being preached but Jesus Christ as the Lord. Besides Christocentrism in preaching, the language of preaching is important, which should be a language of dialogue and goodwill, not one of division, dominance, hate, or confrontation.
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