Parish Communities – what now? Impulses for the Change of Church Social Fields
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Hartmann, R. (2017). Parish Communities – what now? Impulses for the Change of Church Social Fields. Teologia Praktyczna, (18), 73–82.


For a very long time the parish constituted the basic community of the Church in terms of the organization of Church life, administration matters and pastoral care. As a rule parishes were territorial with their own parish priests. However, socio-cultural and religious transformations of the last decades have also caused many changes related to the parish. In this context such phenomena as the lessening number of faithful who participate in the life of the parish and the falling number of clergy, gain special signifi cance. The solutions most commonly practiced today include entrusting to one parish priest the leadership of a few parishes or the combining of a few parishes into larger units. The article is an attempt to seek other possibilities of organizing Church life in the
modern world.
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