Psalm Titles (tituli psalmorum) in the Book of the Liturgy of the Hours. Redaction Issues
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Liturgy of the Hours
psalm titles

How to Cite

Stefański, J. (2017). Psalm Titles (tituli psalmorum) in the Book of the Liturgy of the Hours. Redaction Issues. Teologia Praktyczna, (18), 163–180.


Numerous medieval breviary codices (and even earlier psalters) knew the practice of supplying an appropriate title (heading) at the beginning of the psalmody in order to facilitate the recitation of the offi ce in the Christological or ecclesial spirit. Post-Trident breviaries abandoned this tradition (with the exception of Cistercian breviaries which maintained an uninterrupted tradition
of tituli psalmorum). The liturgical reform of Vaticanum II, mainly through the redaction work of Study Group III (De psalmis distribuendis) which was part of the Consilium team, resulted in furnishing each psalm with a title (heading) that states its content and signifi cance for the Christian life. Along with the title each psalm is also preceded by a short sentence which is a statement from the New Testament or the writings of the Church Fathers.
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Grzegorz z Nysy: O tytułach psalmów, Kraków 2014.

Rose A.: Sous-titres psalmiques de „Liturgia Horarum”. W: Mens concordet voci. Paris 1983 s. 679-690.

Salmon P.: Les Tituli psalmorum des manuscrits latins. Città del Vaticano 1959.

Stefański J.: Prace redakcyjne nad posoborową księgą Liturgii Godzin. Konspekt historyczny. W: H. Sobeczko (red.): Mirabile laudis canticum. Liturgia Godzin: Dzieje i teologia. Opole 2008 s. 115-136.