The question of the Reformation in religious education textbooks for young people in 1990–2010
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Martin Luther
ecumenical catechesis
religious education textbooks

How to Cite

Bilicka, B. (2018). The question of the Reformation in religious education textbooks for young people in 1990–2010. Teologia Praktyczna, (19), 75–90.


The question of the Reformation in religious education textbooks for young people in 1990–2010 by Beata Bilicka is a continuation of her earlier research discussed in The question of the Reformation in catechisms and religious education textbooks in 1945–1990 (Teologia Praktyczna vol. 18, Poznań 2017, pp. 25–41). A temporal framework adopted in the text encompasses the years from 1990 to 2010. The year 1990 marks the return of religious education to schools and kindergartens, which required the adjustment of religious education classes to the demands of the school, also in terms of textbooks. The year 2010 is associated with the publication of a core curriculum and syllabus of teaching religious education, which entailed the revision of textbooks. The main sources used in the research are religious education textbooks for students of lower secondary schools and secondary schools where the theme of schism in Western Christianity in the 16th century is discussed. The sources are analyzed and presented as a synthesis of the results. The article consists of three parts. The fi rst one discusses the causes and the course of the Reformation in religious education textbooks, the second part presents the basic principles of Protestant theology, while the third part includes synthetic conclusions.
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