Correlation between religious education classes and ethics classes – logic or absurdity?
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religious education
ethics education
Polish school

How to Cite

Kostorz, J. (2018). Correlation between religious education classes and ethics classes – logic or absurdity?. Teologia Praktyczna, (19), 91–101.


The main purpose of the article is to present the logic of a correlation between religious education classes and ethics classes. Keeping in mind that at present ethics classes are not compulsory but rather optional, it is argued that those classes should become obligatory for students at schools. Firstly, as a reminder, the present status of ethics classes in Polish schools is discussed. The importance of ethics classes for the personal development of each student is indicated as well. It is pointed out that ethics classes are a signifi cant source of knowledge about life values, moral norms, basic rules of life in the community, personal principles, as well as an important place to learn the principles of the society and a holistic approach to personal growth and development of each individual student. In these educational and didactical means of infl uence the most universal values are deemed very important. With the theoretical, practical and educational character of  these classes as the background, the logic of correlation between religious education classes and ethics classes is presented. The need to make ethics classes compulsory in Polish schools is insisted on. Finally, the challenges in the correlation between religious education classes and ethics classes are discussed.
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