»To him who loves us« (Revelation 1:5) Christ’s Love to the Church in the Light of selected Texts from the Apocalypse of John
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paschal mystery
beloved city
the camp of the saints
battle against evil

How to Cite

Podeszwa, P. (2015). »To him who loves us« (Revelation 1:5) Christ’s Love to the Church in the Light of selected Texts from the Apocalypse of John. Teologia Praktyczna, (16), 95–110. https://doi.org/10.14746/tp.2015.16.06


I propose in the present article a reflection upon the mystery of God’s love, revealed and materialized in Jesus Christ, which directly relates to the community of the Church. The analyzed texts have been taken from the last book of the New Testament. One of the essential features of ecclesiology in the Apocalypse is a conviction that the Church is a community begotten from Jesus’ love, invariably upheld, enhanced and led through Christ’s love. I have chosen texts from the Apoca-lypse which explicitly refer to Jesus’ love to the Church and express this idea by means of two characteristic verbs of John’s tradition, namely agapao and fileo. Although the said verbs are not often employed in the Apocalypse (four times: 1:5; 3:9; 12:11; 20:9 and two times: 3:19; 22:15 respectively), they are, however, mostly used in passages which describe a relationship between Christ and the community of the Church (1:5; 3:9-19; 20:9). During the liturgy, the Church worships Jesus, whose love is the foundation for everything (1:5): it is expressed through deliverance from sin, a sacrifice of one’s own life and man’s participation in Christ’s victory and reign. The Church is obliged to show the world a clear testimony to love (3:9). It is being incessantly admon-ished and brought up by Christ, called up to renew zeal and conversion (3:19). As “the camp of the saints and beloved city” (20:9), the Church actively participates in the battle against evil and, sup-ported by the loving God and Lamb, it lives on assured of Christ’s ultimate victory.
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