The Pope of the Mass Media: Possibilities, Limitations and the use of Mass Media in New Evangelization by Holy Father Francis
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Pope Francis
mass media
new evangelisation

How to Cite

Kardyka, A. (2015). The Pope of the Mass Media: Possibilities, Limitations and the use of Mass Media in New Evangelization by Holy Father Francis. Teologia Praktyczna, (16), 123–130.


Shortly after the election as Pope Francis has been named by weekly magazine Time for Per-son of the Year 2013. In contrast to his predecessor, Benedict XVI Francis takes on the cooperation with the media actively participate. In dialogue with the world and with faithful it uses modern means of communication, such as Twitter. This article describes how to use the social media in Church by the track of Pope comparing various online portals: the online world is interactive, the most recent and the most popular, so therefore is an interesting source of views about Francis. It perfectly demonstrates how Francis uses the digital development for evangelization.
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