The Position and role of the Canticles in Book of the Liturgy of the Hours. Editorial questions
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reform of the breviary
liturgy of the hours

How to Cite

Stefański, J. (2015). The Position and role of the Canticles in Book of the Liturgy of the Hours. Editorial questions. Teologia Praktyczna, (16), 187–199.


The former Roman Breviary contained only canticles of the Old Testament (with the excep-tion of the Gospel Canticles), which occurred in a one week in laudes I and laudes II. This article describes several years of editorial work of the Study Group III Consilium, that led to its inclusion in the new book of the Liturgy of the Hours enlarged the amount of canticles of laudes and espe-cially, for the first time, in vespers and some feasts (canticles of the New Testament).
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