The Symbolism and Theology of the Liturgical Rite of Consecration of Virgins
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consecrated life

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Kwiatkowski, D. (2015). The Symbolism and Theology of the Liturgical Rite of Consecration of Virgins. Teologia Praktyczna, (16), 201–221.


The article discusses both the theology and liturgy of the Consecration of Virgins on the basis of the renewed “Rite of Consecration of Virgins” after Vatican II. The new rites which refer to the most ancient consecrated life traditions in the Church have a structure marked by simplicity and contain a deep theology of consecrated life. The Rite presents the consecration of virgins as a par-ticular type of a constitutive blessing which can be bestowed only once in a lifetime. Through her consecration, the virgin enters into a unique and particular relationship with Christ and the Church, as she becomes His bride. Virginity constitutes a continuation and a completion of the baptismal consecration. The liturgical texts show that it is the initiative and the gift of God who makes present the bridal love of Christ for the Church. Consecrated virginity is shown as the fruit of the action of the Holy Spirit. Consecrated persons foreshadow the eschatological times and the new reality which will become the lot of the faithful in the Heavenly Jerusalem. The Rite clearly emphasizes the eschatological aspect of virginity with many references to the Eucharist and the offertory gifts which are consecrated during the Eucharistic Prayer.
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