The Sacramental Confession as a Necessary Condition to gain a Plenary Indulgence. A Canon Law Analysis
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canon law
plenary indulgence
partial indulgence
sacramental confession
the Holy Year of Mercy

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Słowiński, J. (2015). The Sacramental Confession as a Necessary Condition to gain a Plenary Indulgence. A Canon Law Analysis. Teologia Praktyczna, (16), 223–242.


The present article attempts to make some canonical clarifications on the subject of indulgences in the Catholic Church. In fact, in pastoral practice we can observe many misunderstandings, especially regarding the sacramental confession as a condition sine qua non to gain a plenary indulgence. According to some priests, the sacrament of penance would be necessary only if the person is not in a state of grace. The analysis of the current canon law, interpreted in the light of the legal tradition of the Church and especially of the spirit of the canon law, allow us to say that in ordinary situations the sacramental confession, which should take place about two weeks before or after the indulgence, determines the reception or not of a plenary indulgence by of the faithful. This rule has to be applied in every ordinary situation (i.e. outside the danger of death), and consequent-ly also in the case of plenary indulgence provided by the Holy Father to the Holy Year of Mercy.
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