Inwentarz do Oceny Płci Psychologicznej - zaktualizowana charakterystyka psychometryczna
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psychological gender

How to Cite

Błajet, J. (2019). Inwentarz do Oceny Płci Psychologicznej - zaktualizowana charakterystyka psychometryczna. Psychological Tests in Practice and Research, (1), 50–61.


The article presents psychometric characteristics of the Psychological Gender Evaluation (IPP) by Alicja Kuczyńska. It was checked which terms enter into the current stereotype of femininity and masculinity. It was assumed that the terms from the Inventory may have become outdated. Exploratory factorial analysis of IPP items was made. Finally, two factors were obtained, explaining 30.51% of the total variance. Finally, the scales were fed by all positions with a factor charge in excess of 0.3. The existing tool has satisfactory psychometric properties. The interpretation of the factorial charges of individual IPP positions sheds new light on contemporary definitions of femininity and masculinity.
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