Cyntia żywa i Cyntia umarła. Literacka gra z odbiorcą w elegii 4.7 Propercjusza

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Pypłacz, J. (2016). Cyntia żywa i Cyntia umarła. Literacka gra z odbiorcą w elegii 4.7 Propercjusza. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 26(1), 93–107.

Liczba wyświetleń: 234

Liczba pobrań: 283


In this article I analyse the theme of love and death as explored by Propertius in his Elegy 4.7. I also attempt
to show that the problem of incongruence between this poem and the neighbouring Elegy 4.8 can be resolved
by means of an aesthetically oriented reading of both poems.


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