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discovery of wine

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Lasek, A. M. (2017). WINO W DIONYSIAKA NONNOSA W K SIĘGACH 1.1-12.138. Symbolae Philologorum Posnaniensium Graecae Et Latinae, 26(2), 71–91. Pobrano z

Liczba wyświetleń: 203

Liczba pobrań: 121


In this article the author presents the references and allusions to wine in the 1.1 – 12.138 Dionysiaka of Nonnus.
The analysis of the passages excerpted from the Dionysiaka shows that wine is present in Nonnos’ epos before
its discovering in book 12. The presence of wine in the first 12 book of Dionysiaka has great significance for
the composition and unity of Nonnus’ poem as based on the principle of variety. The analysis of the passages
excerpted from the Dionysiaka shows that references to wine present in Nonnos’ epos precede the story of its
discovery in book 12. The occurence of references and allusions to wine in the first 12 books of Dionysiaka
has an important significance for the composition and unity of Nonnus’ poem based on the principle of variety.



Wydania tekstów oraz komentarze do tekstów oryginalnych:

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