Synonymie et granularité dans les bases lexicales du type WordNet
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Vetulani, Z., & Vetulani, G. (2015). Synonymie et granularité dans les bases lexicales du type WordNet. Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 42(1), 113–127.


In this paper we present a contribution to the transformation of PolNet, a Polish wordnet developed at the Adam Mickiewicz University in Pozna, into a Lexicon Grammar of Polish. The current step consists in including verb-noun collocations and relations linking the verbal synsets to noun synsets. We focus on the concept of synonymy for two kinds of predicative entities: verbs and verb-noun collocations and on synset granularity problems that emerged at this stage of the project. This work was sponsored by the Polish National Program for Humanities (grant 0022/FNiTP/H11/80/2011).
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