About the Journal

Aims and Scope

Articles appearing in the journal concern modern and contemporary and art as well as the art of earlier periods, including architecture, with special attention given to research on Central-Eastern Europe. Artium Quaestiones is renowned for texts that testify to the reception of both German and Anglo-Saxon art historical methodologies and their critical applications in interpretations of both local and foreign art phenomena.

Recognizable feature of Artium Quaestiones are also critical reviews of most recent scholarship and, more importantly, translations of theoretical and analytical texts, including articles and book chapters by such authors as Rosalind Krauss, Hal Foster, Mieke Bal, William J. Thomas Mitchell, Nicholas Mirzoeff, Griselda Pollock, Georges Didi-Huberman, Louis Marin, Horst Bredekamp, Max Imdahl, Hans Belting, Bruno Latour or Geoffrey Batchen. In many cases they were the first translations of texts by these authors in Poland.

Artium Quaestiones welcomes high quality articles written in English, German and Polish by both established and younger scholars of art history and visual culture from Poland and from abroad. Starting from issue 28 (2017) the journal contains a thematic section with annually announced call for papers. Articles submitted to Artium Quaestiones are reviewed by recognized specialists in a given field, both Polish and international.

Apart from being published in hard copies, the latest issues of our yearly (from no. 26, 2015) are also available electronically via PRESSto UAM Open Access platform (there one can find all the necessary metadata, DOI numbers etc.). Moreover, all full archive of Artium Quaestiones (since 1979) has been digitalized and is available for downloading at University of Heidelberg library website. Links to all digitalized issues can be found at Artium Quaestiones website (via the Department of Art History UAM website).

Artium Quaestiones is listed on European Reference Index for the Humanities (ERIH) and Index Copernicus International (ICI) and also available at The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities (CEJSH) database. It is also accessible in open access at EBSCO database. In 2023 it will be indexed at Central and Eastern European Online Library (CEEOL).

In 2019 the journal received a two-year long grant from the Ministry of Science and Higher Education – Support for Academic Journals and in 2022 the follow-up grant – Development of Academic Journals.  Articles published in Artium Quaestiones receive 70 points (according to the Ministry’s list of academic journals).

Editorial and reviewing process:
Submissions  should be made electronically via email aq.redakcja@amu.edu.pl or via OJS on Pressto Platform.

The submission, reviewing and editorial process takes place in the following stages:
1. Call for papers
Concerns thematic section only – announced in late summer/early autumn
Authors interested in publishing in other sections (Varia, Commentaries etc.) can submit their proposals throughout the year. However, they need to account for the fact that we publish once a year at the turn of November and December.
2. Submission of abstracts by prospective Authors. All materials – a text in Word format and illustrations should be sent by email to dr hab. Filip Lipiński aq.redakcja@amu.edu.pl or sent via OJS on Pressto platform.
3. Selection of abstracts by the Editorial Board.
Authors of selected abstracts are notified within 2-3 weeks after the deadline about the Editorial Board’s decision and asked to submit a complete text within 2-3 months.
4. Submission of texts by selected Authors.
Only texts which meet the deadline specified by the Editorial Board will qualify for the stage of reviews.
5. Review of submitted texts by the Editorial Board.
The editors have the right to reject a submitted text without sending it to external reviewers if they decide the text does not come up to scholarly standards of the journal.
6. Double blind peer review evaluation process.
Anonymized articles are sent to reviewers who are normally given between 2-4 weeks for writing the review. Reviewers can accept, reject a text or accept it on the condition of introducing changes they indicate as necessary.
7. Returning reviewed texts and reviews to Authors (if necessary).
8. Correction of texts by Authors (if necessary).
9. Final acceptance of texts for publication (by reviewers and the editors). The decision about the final acceptance for print is usually made in spring.
The Authors of texts qualified for publication are obliged to sign a publishing agreement provided by the Editors.
10. Editorial process.

Review Form

Authors need to comply with editorial standards and cooperate with proof-readers and editors. Their texts are returned for correction twice: after first correction and at proof stage.
Authors can expect their texts to be published towards the end of each calendar year (November-December)

Copyright Notice

The copyrights are regulated by author's statement and publication agreement prepared by Adam Mickiewicz University Press. Authors are responsible for the originality of texts published and regulating the coprights of accompanying visual materials, unless the materials come from the Editorial Team.
The author retains unrestricted copyrights rights.

Anti-plagiarism measures

In order to guarantee originality and high quality of the published articles, the journal follows the established procedures in their evaluation and is a member of the CrossCheck service.
CrossCheck is an initiative established by CrossRef and iThenticate, whose aim is to provide publishers with professional support in preventing plagiarism and other forms of academic misconduct. The system is a high-quality tool for comparing documents against the largest database of academic content in the world, obtained from numerous publishers.

Open Access Policy

The journal provides immediate, open access (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 International) to all its content based on the principle that the research published under open access policy accelerates the spreading, impact and the development of scholarship and the exchange of knowledge. The editors encourage authors to include their published articles in open repositories under the condition that the link to the journal's site and DOI no. of the original publication is given.
The journal does not charge the authors any fees related to the process of publication.

Data Archiving
The PRESSto platform digitally preserves the content of this journal using the PKP Preservation Network (PKP PN), which provides digital long-term preservation of data and secured access to the content of the journal. The journal "Artium Qaestiones" complies with the I40C standards for open citations.