In the field of research on the determinants of conservative beliefs, the problem of liberal ideological bias is becoming more and more prominent. Traditionally conservatives are said to have weaker cognitive abilities and to experience more negative emotions. It is being noticed that classical theories of conservatism are based at least partially on a stereotyped image of the subject of their research. This paper presents an overview of classical and contemporary psychological attitudes towards the phenomenon of ideological conservatism. It presents theories of Tomkins, Adorno, Wilson and Paterson, as well as modern research conducted in the field of cognitive science and motivated cognition. Moreover, the most important phenomena identified today as causes of conservative attitudes, including Needs for Security and Certainty, Negativity Bias, and Disgust Sensitivity are being described. The paper discusses modern paradigms of understanding conservatism with the emphasis on determining their potential of reducing the one-sided view of psychology on the ideological conservatism.
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