Studies on narcissism and narcissistic personality disorder often emphasize the key role of self-esteem in the mechanisms of this disorder. In previous studies, self-esteem has often been treated as a permanent feature of an individual and has been tested using self-report questionnaires or, in some cases, using experimental methods. Assuming that self-esteem may differ depending on the situation, different methods should be used in order to observe and study the processes related to it. In order to collect self-narratives for the purposes of the study, a semi-structured interview method was prepared to examine the self-esteem regulation in social situations. During the interview, the participant answers questions related to personal life experiences. Based on the content of interviews of participants with a high level of narcissistic traits selected from 20 conducted interviews, a preliminary analysis of the proactivity and defensiveness of self-narratives was conducted. The analysis mainly concerns the autonarratives of experiences related to failures and conflicts as events particularly significant for the self-esteem of an individual. The results of the preliminary analyzes allow us to present conclusions regarding proactivity and defensiveness as well as the characteristics of self-narratives referring to self-esteem in narcissistic group.
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