How does evidence-based research affect the future development of social sciences?
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evidence-based research
evidence-based practice
knowledge society
usefulness of scientific knowledge

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Kowalik, S. (2020). How does evidence-based research affect the future development of social sciences?. Człowiek I Społeczeństwo, 49, 135–165.


Global social order calls for more and more knowledge of applicable character. As a result, medicine developed certain procedures known as evidence-based research and evidence-based practice. Both procedures are promoted with great intensity in the domain of social sciences. The article demonstrates that such a type of modernisation may pose a threat to social sciences and their development. An alternative model of conducting research in the field of social sciences has been presented, which would guarantee an increase in the regulatory scientific knowledge in relation to the practice and which, at the same time, would protect social sciences against excessive political and economic interference in its further development.
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