Stumbling into Revolution: Analytical Marxism, Rationality and Collective Action
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Bertram, C. ., & Carling, A. . (2016). Stumbling into Revolution: Analytical Marxism, Rationality and Collective Action. Człowiek I Społeczeństwo, 42, 93–117.


Right-wing critics have long used the theory of rational choice to pour scorn on the Marxist theory of revolution, because, they say, free-rider considerations will deter any rational self-interested worker from engaging in revolutionary action. This contention poses an especial problem for Analytical Marxists, who also utilise rational choice models to understand the micro-foundations of collective action. It turns out, however, that if the worker’s decision to join a collective action is conceived more realistically, not as a once-for-all commitment, but as a recurrent process affected continuously by the actions of others, then a much richer repertoire of outcomes begins to appear within the theory – matching those found in history itself. This paper develops simple models of collective action that display this broader range of possibilities. These include convergence to a stable level of collective engagement, oscillation over time between different levels of engagement, and truly chaotic behaviour, in which levels of engagement are never repeated.
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