Metaphilosophy, or on philosophy after philosophy (though still from within it – on the example of historical-philosophical reflection of Hegel and Heidegger]
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history of philosophy

How to Cite

Gawlik, C. (2022). Metaphilosophy, or on philosophy after philosophy (though still from within it – on the example of historical-philosophical reflection of Hegel and Heidegger]. Człowiek I Społeczeństwo, 53, 153–170.


The main purpose of the paper is to characterize the metaphilosophical paradigm of today’s philosophy.
The author argues that contemporary philosophical thought is thoroughly – and in a complex
sense – metaphilosophical in nature. Namely, it takes the form of philosophy’s reflection on itself
practiced after its end, but still from within philosophy. Understood in this way, metaphilosophy
unifies the formal-spatial and temporal meanings of the prefix “meta-” as well as the two corresponding
specific paradigms of metaphilosophy: philosophy of philosophy and post-philosophy. In order
to substantiate this hypothesis, (1) the Hegelian historical-philosophical position, which marks the
final moment of classical philosophy, is first presented, and on its basis the situation of contemporary
thought, which is determined by the problem of the future of philosophy, is outlined. (2) Then the
“early” and “late” philosophy of Martin Heidegger, which belongs to the metaphilosophical epoch
of post-classical philosophy, is discussed. (3) This ultimately allows the author not only to draw
conclusions about the condition of philosophy today, but also to outline an original context for
a potentially fruitful confrontation between these two authors, which is the second aim of the paper.
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