Women in same sex relationships parenting together: family structure, attachment anxiety and avoidance vis-à-vis parental competences
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lesbian mothers
same-sex parents
parental competence
attachment anxiety and avoidance

How to Cite

Wycisk, J. (2024). Women in same sex relationships parenting together: family structure, attachment anxiety and avoidance vis-à-vis parental competences. Człowiek I Społeczeństwo, 57, 145–174. https://doi.org/10.14746/cis.2024.57.7


In the social sciences parenting of same-sex couples has been the subject of research since the 1970s, but in Poland there is still a lack of data on the subject. The article briefly presents the legal situation of same-sex couples raising children in Poland against the background of Europe, pointing to possible sources of parental minority stress in these families. According to a review of prior studies, heteronormative parenting and same-sex parenting both contribute positively to children’s development, although the latter may have some specific characteristics due to the minority status of the family. Additionally, parental personality characteristics like as avoidance and anxiety in close relationships are also associated to parenting skills. The following research questions were developed in light of this: (1) Do women raising children in same-sex relationships differ in their levels of parental competence and tendencies toward rigorism, overprotectiveness, permissiveness, helplessness and parental justification from women raising children with their husbands – the child’s father? (2)Are the listed dimensions of parental competence related to attachment anxiety and avoidance? (3) Which of these factors (family structure or attachment) better explain the level of parental competence? The article presents the results of a quantitative survey of 246 women (including 155 in same-sex relationships) raising children from 3 to 18 years old and living together for a minimum of one year. The main findings are in line with previous foreign research: women in same-sex relationships do not differ from heteronormative mothers in their levels of parental competence, rigor, overprotectiveness, helplessness and parental justification; however they are more permissive toward children. Attachment anxiety and avoidance correlate negatively with parental competence and permissiveness, and positively with rigorism, overprotectiveness, helplessness and parental justification. Possible explanations for the obtained results and limitations of the presented study are discussed.

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