„[…] We have lost our hearts to you”. Some initial remarks on the correspondence between Zygmunt Haupt and Maria and Józef Czapski
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Zygmunt Haupt
Józef Czapski
Maria Czapska

How to Cite

Panas, P. (2023). „[…] We have lost our hearts to you”. Some initial remarks on the correspondence between Zygmunt Haupt and Maria and Józef Czapski. Forum of Poetics, (32), 106–117. https://doi.org/10.14746/fp.2023.32.40069


The paper discusses the results of a primary analysis of the correspondence between Zygmunt Haupt and Maria and Józef Czapski. The letters are dated 1950-1975, offering an interesting picture of a friendship spanning over decades. They provide an insight into Haupt’s creative persona, an outcast and outsider, and they are also an excellent source of information on the life of Polish emigration post 1945.

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