Spoken-word poetry
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oral poetry
spoken word poetry

How to Cite

Szymił, A. (2016). Spoken-word poetry. Forum of Poetics, (4-5), 124–131. https://doi.org/10.14746/fp.2016.4-5.26722


The author of the article presents the current situation and perspectives for future development of literary scholarship relating to the changing media environment and the development of new forms of writing activity on the Internet. She looks for answers to the question of where the borders of literariness online lie and how it is defined. The author further presents the current state of literary scholarship on the subject of the transformation of literature under the influence of digital media and related problems. The author cites a concept developed by Sandy Baldwin, who in the book Internet Unconsious (2015) shows new potential areas of study relating to these phenomena, demonstrating conclusively that this new interactive medium not only poses no threat to literature, but constitutes a natural area for its expansion. This calls for readiness on the part of literary scholars to embrace new theoretical and technological solutions.

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