This article attempts to functionally reconstruct the views expressed by Marshall McLuhan in his works, both from an epistemological and the methodological perspective. The author argues that at the core of McLuhan’s theory, often regarded as a manifestation of “conservative” views, lies an individual form of cognitive and methodological skepticism. The skeptical attitude of the author of The Gutenberg Galaxy and Understanding Media means that his considerations, despite that fact that they date back to the 1960s, are not outdated and still attract great interest from contemporary media scholars.
Comesaña, Juan, Peter Klein. „Skepticism”. W: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Metaphysics Research Lab, Stanford University, 2019. https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/win2019/entries/skepticism/.
De Kerckhove, Derrick. Inteligencja otwarta: narodziny społeczeństwa sieciowego. Przetłumaczone przez Andrzej Hildebrandt i Ryszard Glegola. Warszawa, Toronto: MIKOM, Somerville House Publ., 2001.
Ogonowska, Agnieszka. Twórcze metafory medialne: Baudrillard – McLuhan – Goffman. Kraków: Universitas, 2010.
Pritchard, Duncan. „Contemporary Skepticism”. W: Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, https://iep.utm.edu/skepcont/. Dostęp 14.03.2022.
Pritchard, Duncan. Scepticism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2019
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