Poetic faith and a willing suspension of disbelief in Zygmunt Haupt’s prose
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Zygmunt Haupt
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Meyer Howard Abrams
Wallace Stevens
willing suspension of disbelief
natural supernaturalism

How to Cite

Garbol, T. (2023). Poetic faith and a willing suspension of disbelief in Zygmunt Haupt’s prose. Forum of Poetics, (31), 128–141. https://doi.org/10.14746/fp.2023.31.38715


This article was inspired by the importance which Zygmunt Haupt attached to the “willing suspension of disbelief” on behalf of the reader. It discusses how Coleridge’s formula may function in a context that is not strictly poetic. A “suspension of disbelief” and poetic faith are complementary concepts which encourage in literary and cultural studies deep reflection on the demise of religious faith in favor of “poetic faith,” which, as M.H. Abrams writes, may essentially be described as “natural supernaturalism.” The article argues that this modernist experience may be found in Haupt’s works.

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