A man without a homeland – repeated reading of Heidegger’s „Letter on Humanism”
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Martin Heidegger
“Contributions to Philosophy”
“Letter of humanism”

How to Cite

Kołoczek, Łukasz. (2017). A man without a homeland – repeated reading of Heidegger’s „Letter on Humanism”. Public Philosophy & Democratic Education, 6(1), 53–76. https://doi.org/10.14746/fped.2017.6.1.4


The article is an attempt to read the Letter of humanism in the light of the project Beyng. First of all I say that the figure of Da-sein is crucial for understanding the Letter. My considerations focus in particular on the position which a man occupies in the structure of Da-sein. I show that there is an analogy
between this structure and the considerations of the Letter. I say also that this letter made transposition of the term „humanism” into the other beginning. The project of humanism, which emerges from this text does not coincide neither with today’s varieties of humanism, nor the post-humanism, because both of these forms of thought are inscribed in metaphysics. In this context „no homeland” of which Heidegger says in the Letter, takes on special significance,
which I wanted to show.

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