Phenomenology – introduction to reading text: „Der Encyclopaedia Britannica Artikel” (Phänomenologie)
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transcendental philosophy
phenomenological reduction
Edmund Husserl
Martin Heidegger

How to Cite

Bekrycht, T. (2015). Phenomenology – introduction to reading text: „Der Encyclopaedia Britannica Artikel” (Phänomenologie). Public Philosophy & Democratic Education, 4(2), 92–101.


The article presents in the synthetic way the major assumptions of phenomenology as the philosophical movement. The author has delineated two tasks. Firstly, introduction to the major issues of phenomenology and underlining important origins of phenomenology, i.e. Edmund Husserl’s work – Logical Investigations. Secondly, introduction to the reading of an important text (unpublished in Polish by now) that describes the basic foundations of this phenomenological movement, which have been developed by its creator.
PDF (Język Polski)


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